Monday, 29 November 2010

South Hokianga Arts and Craft Fair

I went to visit Susanne at the Craft Fair at Waimamaku yesterday. It was such a beautiful perfect summer day and I enjoyed the 100 minutes drive very much. The road was almost empty in the morning and the Hokianga Harbour looked stunning. I haven't been on my own further than Omapere and it seemed endless until I finally reached Waimamaku, a tiny village near the Waipoua Forest. The landscape was breathtaking and I would have loved to stop to take photos, but I guess I still wouldn't have arrived ;) The fair was smaller than I expected, but with nice things.
Of course the lady with the Hokianga Hats was there:

 and a potter with seconds:

a couple with wooden toys:

a guy with wonderful wooden spoons:


flaxweaving ridiculous cheap:

a wonderful wooden horse which I  finally managed to catch on camera before it drove off:

and beside of some beaded  jewellery then of course the fibre girls:

all kind of felting, knitting, sewing made by Susanne, Anita, Dagmar
and another friend of Susanne which name I have forgotten

Susannes famous felted mats

wool dyed with silver dollar gum (eucalyptus)

Dagmars creations knitted on the knitting machine and hand dyed

more of Dagmars work and on the right a felted wall hanging Susanne made

more wool from Susannes sheep, some blended with possum

After packing up we all drove home to Susanne and Peters Farm, several 100 ha in the Hokianga with hills and rivers, paddocks, orchard and very remote, a dream :) We spend the rest of the afternoon with trying out 2 old brother knitting machines which somebody dropped off at Susannes place. Dagmar is the expert and she thought they were in a good condition beside of one carriage, which was too damaged.
Finally I went on my way home at 4.30. I stopped on top of the Hokiange at Omapere, because I was back to cellphone reception and received 2 txt. So I used the moment to catch some of the breathtaking views


  1. liebe ilse,
    vielen dank, dass du mich mit deinen tollen photos zum markt "mitgenommen" hast. schöne sachen die man da zu sehen bekam.... die kunstvollen holzlöffel beeindruckten mich sehr, solch einen hätte ich mir bestimmt gekauft...! auch die filzsachen und die wunderschön gefärbten kleider würde ich gerne in natura sehen, sie sind phantastisch!
    am meisten beneide ich dich für die warmen temperaturen und den herrlichen sonnenschein..... wir sitzen unter der hochnebeldecke und haben schnee. sieht zwar ganz romantisch aus, wie die weissen flocken vom himmel tanzen, aber ich sitze hier in der küche und friere!!!!
    winterliche grüsse schickt dir,

  2. ja war wirklich ein ganz herrlicher tag, ich waer am liebsten ueberall stehen geblieben um fotos zu machen und natuerlich um am hokianga mal am wasser entlang zu laufen. heute ist es grau, hat etwas geregnet heute nacht gluecklicherweise, es ist alles so fuerchterlich trocken schon und es noch nicht mal weihnachten. hab heute nacht mit meinem sohn online gesprochen, sie haben auch schnee und er ist grad noch so den berg hochgekommen.
    liebe gruesse aus dem sommer :)
