Wednesday 19 January 2011

more scarves

After spending a wonderful weekend away with a visit to Tiritiri Matangi I finally did some more experiments today.
Last October I made a scarf  of alpaca, and I didn't like the colour very much. First I started to put some pearls on, but still it was not right. It looked so plain.
plain alpaca scarf

So I did some stitching shibori style to over dye it with a pattern


After finishing stitching I soaked it in water and then tied it


and tieing

Finally I dyed it together with another scarf, which was done with glas marbles. It is white polwarth wool this time

white scarf with tied glas marbles


after dyeing

back of the marbles


both scarves

opening up of tieing

open, still wet and not stretched

Now the scarves are left for drying. I can't wait to see the result!

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